Thursday, January 31, 2013

I Knew You!

Our Heavenly Father speaks very clearly, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you..." 

Have you ever thought of what your Divine calling may be?  Of course we are called to love God above all things, to obey His Commandments and to love and serve others for the glory of God. 

But, what else is God asking you to do? What are your gifts and are you using them to glorify God? 

May our hearts feed upon these reflections today as we seek the graces God has planted in our souls.

May we be a bright lamp shing in a dark world.

Please pray for Ben who is going into hospice; pray also for 3 year old Camryn who had a tumor removed from her kidney and for Cathy D. who fell at home.

Please also continue to pray for Denise, Rachel and Ella Grace for total healing.

In Christ,
Disciples of Divine Mercy in the Holy Face of Jesus

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Prayers for Little Elsie

"How, then, shall we repay the Lord for all His goodness to us?  He is so good that He asks no recompense except our love: that is the only payment He desires." ~ St. Basil the Great

Open our eyes Lord, to see our neighbor as You see them.  Teach us Jesus, to love as You love.

Prayers are needed for little one year old Elsie.  She is desperately waiting for a liver transplant and has currently been hospitalized.  The family is asking us to storm heaven with prayers for their little baby girl.

To love as Jesus loved is to pray and help those in need. This is true love.

God be with you,
Disciples of Divine Mercy in the Holy Face of Jesus

Monday, January 28, 2013

Food for Thought

This came from one of our prayer lines and I found it very interesting:

There are times when the gifts we receive by Divine Providence are unmistakable, even for those not accustomed to seeing. We don’t always receive what we ask for, of course. But there is something in the act of asking itself, which, like all the other forms of prayer, properly orients us. It requires self knowledge (we are not God, He is); it involves relationship (we become ourselves through relationships); it anticipates gratitude and nurtures confidence in the God who loves us, and is with us, come what may.
On one of the lesser used pathways down to the Grotto at Lourdes, there is a simple monument donated by a blind Italian woman as an expression of her gratitude. She had come to Lourdes for healing and left still blind – though not unchanged. By the experience. By asking. By seeking and encountering. By learning to trust God. It reads:
Recovering the faith is greater than recovering sight.
(Retrouver la Foi c’est plus que retrouver la Vue).
Matthew Hanley

Mercy Prayers

We prayed with a beautiful young woman today named Amanda.  God's mercy has been manifested through her. Please pray for her healing.  Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering our prayers for Amanda!